What could save the Indiana Jones Franchise?


The original Raiders of the Lost Ark was a transformational movie for 1981. Much like Star Wars, back in ‘77, it changed the way movies would be made. It certainly impacted the lagoon dwellers—we watch it a couple times a year!

As much as we love the franchise, it’s kind of obvious that it lost steam after the first one. The follow-ups are all certainly watchable, but they lack the magic of the first film. Crystal Skull almost ruined the franchise for us. As much fun as it was seeing the return of Marion, played by Karen Allen, the script just couldn’t escape extremely convenient plot contrivances and overly obvious “gotcha” moments. Honestly, we were ready to be done with our favorite hero.

Then it struck us. Instead of a wisecracking Shia Lebouf playing the son of the titular hero, why not a kick-ass Tomb-Raider-esque daughter? C’mon, Uncles George and Steven—Indiana Jones, the Search for Tiki, debuting his previously unknown daughter (perhaps from his dalliance with Kate Capshaw’s Willie Scott). Yes, it’s silly. Yes, it’s repetitive. Yes, it’s fun! Or perhaps we’ve been drinking too many Mai-Tais…